


1. open the book打开书

2. open the door打开门

3. open the window打开窗户

4. close the book合上书

5. close the door关上门

6. close the window关上窗户

7.come in进来

8. get up (wake up)起床

9. go to bed上床睡觉

10. go home回家

11. go fish钓鱼

12. go shopping购物

13. go up the stairs上楼梯

14. go for a walk去散步

15. go slowly (walk slowly)


16.goquickly (walk quickly)


17. go on a trip (go on trips)


18. go to school去上学

19. go swimming去游泳

20. go outside出去

21. go inside进去

22. grow into a man长大成人

23. wacth TV看电视

24. wacth a movie看**

25. talk on the phone打电话

26. play the guitar弹吉他

27. play the piano弹钢琴

28. play cards玩牌

29. play ping-pong打乒乓球

30. play basketball打篮球

31. play badminton打羽毛球

32. play checkers下棋

33. play with toys玩玩具

34. play with dolls玩洋娃娃

35.playagame (play games)


36. play sports做运动

37. play on the computer


38. work on the computer


39. sing songs (sing a song)唱歌

40. fly kites (fly a kite)


41. write a story写故事

42. good night晚安

43. listen to the radio


44. draw a picture画画

45. drive a car驾驶小汽车

46. ride a bicycle骑自行车

47. stay home呆在家里

48. turn left向左转

49. turn right向右转

50. go straight直行

51. traffic light交通灯

52. walk forward朝前走

53. walk backward向后走

54. turn around转身

55. far… from离……很远

56. read a book (read books)


57. read the newspaper


58. get to work


59. work hard at


60. do one’s homework


61. by car坐小汽车

62. by plane (take a plane)


63. by train (take a train)


64. by bus (take a bus)


65. take a cab乘出租车

66.take a picture

(take pictures)照相;拍照

67. take a bath洗盆浴

68. take a shower洗淋浴

69. New Year’s Day新年

70. Spring Festival春节

71. International Works’ Day


72. Children’s Day儿童节

73. Teachers’ Day教师节

74. National Day国庆节

75. buy clothes买衣服

76. buy a gift (buy gifts)


77. sit down坐下

78. stand up起立

79. have supper (eat supper)


80. have a good trip旅途愉快

81.have fun (have a good time)玩得开心(愉快)

82. on the trin在火车上

83. train station火车站

84. a pair of pants一条裤子

85. a pair of shoes/skates


86. a pair of socks一双袜子

87. a pair of runners


88. a cup of tea一杯茶

89. a glass of milk一杯牛奶

90. look out of the window


91. too … to太……以致不能

92. write a letter写信

93. write a postcard写明信片

94. write an e-mail


95. send an e-mail


96. send a card寄卡片

97. on the left在左边

98. on the right在右边

99. in the top, right corner


100. in the top, left corner


101. over there那边

102. capital city首都

103. Wangfujing Street


104. Tian’anmen Square


105. the Palace Museum


106. at the airport在机场

107. go to the park去公园

108. make snowmen堆雪人

109. make breakfast做早餐

110. make supper做晚餐

111. make lunch做午餐

112. wash the dishes洗盘子

113. dry the dishes擦盘子

114. bus driver公共汽车司机

115. bus stop公共汽车站

116. school bus校车

117. come on过来

118. speak English说英语

119. speak Chinese说汉语

120. flowers bloom开花

121. take off脱下

122. put on穿(戴)上

123. look out向外看/小心

124. Christmas tree圣诞树

125. Christmas cards


126. Christmas lights圣诞灯

127. Christmas gifts圣诞礼物

128. Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

129. wear dresses穿裙子

130. ski on the snow滑雪

131. skate on the ice滑冰

132. winter clothes冬装

133. too big太大

134. too small太小

135. just right正合适;正好

136. too loud太吵

137. too hard太难

138. too heavy太重

139. Chinese lantern中国灯笼

140. something special特别的东西

141. police officer警察

142. jump up and down上蹦下跳

143. wacth the game看比赛

144. walk home步行回家

145. good for you对你有好处

146. swimming pool游泳池

147. walk to school步行上学

148. teach English教英语

149. learn English学英语

150. summer holiday暑假

151. last week上周

152. next week下周

153. answer the phone接电话

154. basketball game篮球比赛

155. basketball player篮球运动员

156. basketball team篮球队

157. wash clothes洗衣服

158. wash face洗脸

159. wash hands洗手

160. brush teeth刷牙

161.get read for (get read to)


162. from … to…


163. wacth out小心

164. look like看上去像

165. before breakfast早餐前

166. after breakfast早餐后

167. hurry up快点

168. comb hair梳头

169. don’t be late不要迟到

170. three times a week


171. fly in the sky在天上飞

172. reach high上举

173. bend low下弯腰

174. good-bye再见



1. open the book打开书 2. open the door打开门 3. open the window打开窗户 4. close the book合上书 5. close the door关上门 6. close the window关上窗户 7.come in进来

8. get up (wake up)起床\醒来 9. go to bed上床睡觉 10. go home回家 11. go fish钓鱼 12. go shopping购物 13. go up the stairs上楼梯 14. go for a walk去散步

15. go slowly (walk slowly) 走得慢 16.go quickly (walk quickly) 走得快 17. go on a trip (go on trips) 去旅行 18. go to school去上学 19. go swimming去游泳 20. go outside出去 21. go inside进去

22. grow into a man长大成人 23. wacth TV看电视 24. wacth a movie看** 25. talk on the phone打电话 26. play the guitar弹吉他 27. play the piano弹钢琴 28. play cards玩牌 29. play ping-pong打乒乓球 30. play basketball打篮球 31. play badminton打羽毛球 32. play checkers下棋 33. play with toys玩玩具 34. play with dolls玩洋娃娃

35.play a game (play games) 玩游戏 36. play sports做运动

37. play on the computer 玩电脑 38. work on the computer 用电脑工作 39. sing songs (sing a song)唱歌 40. fly kites (fly a kite) 放风筝 41. write a story写故事 42. good night晚安

43. listen to the radio 听收音机

44. draw a picture画画 45. drive a car驾驶小汽车 46. ride a bicycle骑自行车 47. stay home呆在家里 48. turn left向左转 49. turn right向右转 50. go straight直行 51. traffic light交通灯 52. walk forward朝前走 53. walk backward向后走 54. turn around转身 55. far… from离……很远 56. read a book (read books) 读书 57. read the newspaper 读报纸 58. get to work 开始上课/干活 59. work hard at 努力学习/钻研…… 60. do one’s homework 做家庭作业 61. by car坐小汽车

62. by plane (take a plane) 坐飞机 63. by train (take a train)坐火车 64. by bus (take a bus) 乘公共汽车 65. take a cab乘出租车

66.take a picture (take pictures)照相/拍照

67. take a bath洗盆浴 68. take a shower洗淋浴 69. New Year’s Day新年 70. Spring Festival春节

71. International Workers’ Day 国际劳动节

72. Children’s Day儿童节 73. Teachers’ Day教师节 74. National Day国庆节 75. buy clothes买衣服 76. buy a gift (buy gifts) 买礼物 77. sit down坐下 78. stand up起立

79. have supper (eat supper) 吃晚饭 80. have a good trip旅途愉快 81.have fun (have a good time)玩得开心(愉快)

82. on the train在火车上 83. train station火车站 84. a pair of pants一条裤子

85. a pair of shoes/skates 一双鞋/冰鞋 86. a pair of socks一双袜子 87. a pair of runners 一双运动鞋 88. a cup of tea一杯茶 89. a glass of milk一杯牛奶 90. look out of the window 朝窗外看 91. too … to太……以致不能 92. write a letter写信 93. write a postcard写明信片 94. write an e-mail 写电子邮件 95. send an e-mail 发电子邮件 96. send a card寄卡片 97. on the left在左边 98. on the right在右边

99. in the top, right corner 在右上角 100. in the top, left corner 在左上角 101. over there那边 102. capital city首都 103. Wangfujing Street 王府井大街

104. Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 105. the Palace Museum 故宫

106. at the airport在机场 107. go to the park去公园 108. make snowmen堆雪人 109. make breakfast做早餐 110. make supper做晚餐 111. make lunch做午餐 112. wash the dishes洗盘子 113. dry the dishes擦盘子 114. bus driver公共汽车司机 115. bus stop公共汽车站 116. school bus校车 117. come on过来 118. speak English说英语 119. speak Chinese说汉语 120. flowers bloom开花 121. take off脱下 122. put on穿(戴)上 123. look out向外看/小心 124. Christmas tree圣诞树 125. Christmas cards 圣诞卡片 126. Christmas lights圣诞灯 127. Christmas gifts圣诞礼物

128. Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 129. wear dresses穿裙子 130. ski on the snow滑雪 131. skate on the ice滑冰 132. winter clothes冬装 133. too big太大 134. too small太小 135. just right正合适;正好 136. too loud太吵 137. too hard太难 138. too heavy太重

139. Chinese lantern中国灯笼 140. something special特别的东西 141. police officer警察

142. jump up and down上蹦下跳 143. wacth the game看比赛 144. walk home步行回家 145. good for you对你有好处 146. swimming pool游泳池 147. walk to school步行上学 148. teach English教英语 149. learn English学英语

150. summer holiday暑假 151. last week上周 152. next week下周 153. answer the phone接电话 154. basketball game篮球比赛 155. basketball player篮球运动员 156. basketball team篮球队 157. wash clothes洗衣服 158. wash face洗脸 159. wash hands洗手 160. brush teeth刷牙

161.get read for (get read to) 为……做准备

162. from … to… 从……到…… 163. wacth out小心 164. look like看上去像 165. before breakfast早餐前 166. after breakfast早餐后 167. hurry up快点 168. comb hair梳头 169. don’t be late不要迟到 170. three times a week 一星期三次

171. fly in the sky在天上飞 172. reach high上举 173. bend low下弯腰 174. good-bye再见

175 .All right.行、好吧、可以 176 .That’s right.那是对的 177 .That’s all right.别客气

178.You’re welcome.不用谢,别客气 179.look like .看起来像

180.look the same.看起来是一样的 181.look different.看起来不一样 182 put on穿上、戴上 183 take off脱下 184 do homework做作业 185 get up起床 186 go to school上学 187 go to bed/sleep睡觉 188 go home回家 189 read a book看书 190 draw a picture画画 191 write a story写故事 192 watch TV看电视

193 listen to the radio听收音机 194 take a shower洗澡 195 fly a kite放风筝 196 play basketball/ping-pong/ badminton打篮球/乒乓球/羽毛球 197 play the violin/piano/guitar拉小提琴/弹钢琴/弹吉他 198 play chess下象棋 199 play cards打牌 200 play sports做运动 201go for a walk散步 202clean the window擦玻璃 203 wash the dishes洗餐具 204 put away收拾 205 put up装扮

206 help each other互相帮助 207 read the newspaper看报 208 watch a movie看**

209 have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

210 turn on/off打开/关掉 211 turn up/down放大/关小声音


1. open the book打开书

2. open the door打开门

3. open the window打开窗户

4. close the book合上书

5. close the door关上门

6. close the window关上窗户

7.come in进来

8. get up (wake up)起床

9. go to bed上床睡觉

10. go home回家

11. go fish钓鱼

12. go shopping购物

13. go up the stairs上楼梯

14. go for a walk去散步

15. go slowly (walk slowly)


16.goquickly (walk quickly)


17. go on a trip (go on trips)


18. go to school去上学

19. go swimming去游泳

20. go outside出去

21. go inside进去

22. grow into a man长大成人

23. wacth TV看电视

24. wacth a movie看**

25. talk on the phone打电话

26. play the guitar弹吉他

27. play the piano弹钢琴

28. play cards玩牌

29. play ping-pong打乒乓球

30. play basketball打篮球

31. play badminton打羽毛球

32. play checkers下棋

33. play with toys玩玩具

34. play with dolls玩洋娃娃

35.playagame (play games)


36. play sports做运动

37. play on the computer


38. work on the computer


39. sing songs (sing a song)唱歌

40. fly kites (fly a kite)


41. write a story写故事

42. good night晚安

43. listen to the radio


44. draw a picture画画

45. drive a car驾驶小汽车

46. ride a bicycle骑自行车

47. stay home呆在家里

48. turn left向左转

49. turn right向右转

50. go straight直行

51. traffic light交通灯

52. walk forward朝前走

53. walk backward向后走

54. turn around转身

55. far… from离……很远

56. read a book (read books)


57. read the newspaper


58. get to work


59. work hard at


60. do one’s homework


61. by car坐小汽车

62. by plane (take a plane)


63. by train (take a train)


64. by bus (take a bus)


65. take a cab乘出租车

66.take a picture

(take pictures)照相;拍照

67. take a bath洗盆浴

68. take a shower洗淋浴

69. New Year’s Day新年

70. Spring Festival春节

71. International Works’ Day


72. Children’s Day儿童节

73. Teachers’ Day教师节

74. National Day国庆节

75. buy clothes买衣服

76. buy a gift (buy gifts)


77. sit down坐下

78. stand up起立

79. have supper (eat supper)


80. have a good trip旅途愉快

81.have fun (have a good time)玩得开心(愉快)

82. on the trin在火车上

83. train station火车站

84. a pair of pants一条裤子

85. a pair of shoes/skates


86. a pair of socks一双袜子

87. a pair of runners


88. a cup of tea一杯茶

89. a glass of milk一杯牛奶

90. look out of the window


91. too … to太……以致不能

92. write a letter写信

93. write a postcard写明信片

94. write an e-mail


95. send an e-mail


96. send a card寄卡片

97. on the left在左边

98. on the right在右边

99. in the top, right corner


100. in the top, left corner


101. over there那边

102. capital city首都

103. Wangfujing Street


104. Tian’anmen Square


105. the Palace Museum


106. at the airport在机场

107. go to the park去公园

108. make snowmen堆雪人

109. make breakfast做早餐

110. make supper做晚餐

111. make lunch做午餐

112. wash the dishes洗盘子

113. dry the dishes擦盘子

114. bus driver公共汽车司机

115. bus stop公共汽车站

116. school bus校车

117. come on过来

118. speak English说英语

119. speak Chinese说汉语

120. flowers bloom开花

play the piano 弹钢琴 play the guitar 弹吉他 play the flute 吹笛 play the violin 拉小提琴 play the accordion拉手风琴 play some music 播放一些音乐 play basketball 打篮球 play baseball 打棒球 play football 踢足球 play volleyball 打排球 play cricket 打板球 play bridge 打桥牌 play cards 打扑克牌 play chess 下棋 play a joke on somebody开某人玩笑 play upon words 说俏皮话 play with the kitten逗弄小猫 play as a goalkeeper 担任守门员 play a friendly match进行一场友谊赛 play the hero 逞英雄