










比赛目的是尽量将足球射入对方的球门内,每射入一球就可以得到一分,当比赛完毕后,得分多的一队则胜出。如果在比赛规定时间内得分相同,则须看比赛章则而定,可以抽签、加时再赛或互射点球(十二码)? 等形式比赛分高下。








一场足球比赛,英文为:A football match。

1、football(英 [?f?tb?:l] 美 [?f?t?b?l]?)


2、match(英 [m?t?] 美 [m?t?]?)



football match——足球赛;足球比赛;球赛;看足球赛;球类比赛




一场足球比赛的英文还可以表示为a??game,和a football match相比,前者使用率不高,多为英国国家使用;后者较正式。

1、(英 [?s?k?(r)] 美 [?sɑ:k?(r)]?)

n. <美>足球;〈口〉英式足球

2、game(英 [ge?m] 美 [ɡem])























足球的英文单词是 "football"。

"Football" 是一个用于描述一种运动的名词,这项运动在世界范围内非常受欢迎。










足球(football),主要是指英式足球,也就是现代足球,官方名称为association football,在北美等地区称之为。它是一项团体球类运动,两支各由11名球员组成的球队比赛,使用除手和手臂以外的任何身体部位,试图将球射入对方球门。




1848年,足球运动的第一个文字形式的规则《剑桥规则》诞生。1857年,英国谢菲尔德足球俱乐部成立,这是世界足球历史上的第一支足球俱乐部。1863年10月26日,英格兰足球协会(The Football Association)正式成立,制定和通过了一部较为统一的足球竞赛规则。



国际足联世界杯(FIFA World Cup),是由国际足球联合会统一领导和组织的世界性的足球比赛,赛事每四年举行一次,32支参赛队伍来自世界五大洲的各个国家队,是世界上规模最大、影响最大、水平最高的国家队足球比赛。


国际足联女子世界杯(FIFA Women's World Cup),简称女足世界杯,一般被视为女子足球最高荣誉的赛事。由国际足联(FIFA)主办,各国的女子国家足球队参加的比赛。


欧洲足球锦标赛(European Football Championship),是由欧洲足球协会联盟组织举办的洲际国家队足球赛事,赛事从1960年开始举办,每四年举办一次,2016年欧洲杯扩军至24支球队。


Why Are English Football Fans

Among the 32 football teams participating in the FIFA World Cup 2006, the England football Team is undoubtedly one of those teams that attract the greatest public attention. England football fans, as always, will get psychologically aroused at games to the highest extent. They hit the heights when their team wins and reach the depths of despair when they lose. Fans of the England football team are so emotionally involved in games that they sometimes behave hysterically; other times they turn from joys to tears. How can a small football stir up such huge emotional surges?

The Chinese newspaper Beijing Science and Technology carried an article from the English newspaper The Guardian which says that the emotional changes of football fans are all dictated by certain rules of relationship psychology.

Experiments show that testosterone levels in male fans rise markedly after a victory (but drop just as sharply after a defeat). As we know, testosterone is one of the male hormones, which controls such senses as competition, confidence, tranquility and pessimism. In a certain sense, the whole English nation is currently under the influence of testosterone. Psychologists have asked this question: Why do the fans devote so much of their energy to something they can\'t control?

One answer is that they can enjoy a sense of “status” through their connection with their team. When many fans avidly root for a team, they feel they are united as one and have become members of a group or a society. If this psychological need for status is strong enough, the performance of the team will influence the attitudes and feelings of the fans. In other words, they are influenced by “their own team”. When they watch a professional match, the fans always feel motivated and pressured. During a football match the team and the fans temporarily demonstrate a fierce and unbreakable bond to each other.

Highly-identified fans desire to share their feelings with one another. They feel drawn to one another, and have a deep attachment to their team. When watching a football game, their emotions change with the match. Clapping and chanting are a good way to stave off their depression and let off their steam, which helps to relax their tension and strain brought by the fast pace of modern life.

On the other hand, professional football competitions are also manifestations of values and illusions. If “our”team wins, it is our victory, which is a confirmation of our identity. Psychologists have proven that this effect is especially strong in England, because the English think that the modern sport football belongs to them. That\'s why England football fans always emphasize the “home coming of football”.

England as a nation plays a prominent role in terms of competition and personal skills. In this day and age when imperial expansion and military aggression are no longer the order of the day, sports competitions have become a principal medium to demonstrate a nation\'s ambitions and prowess. Meanwhile, the state of mind of the English nation shows that behind the great rejoicing after the few hard-won victories there are more profound reasons.In the English culture which gives priority to individual development, the players are playing under a relatively relaxed environment, so they can go all out to score goals. However, no matter how strong individualism is, there has to be some kind of linkage --- by which you make explorations and interactions with those around you, which gives you the feeling of being in a group. So when Wayne Rooney scored a goal, all the fans would think that it was not just for the good of the footballer himself but for everyone else as well. At that moment, the fans and the players had their hearts joined together.

Football is the most popular sport in the world. It is estimated that around 250 million people regularly play whilst many millions more watch the game on television.

In the UK teams such as Manchester United and Chelsea compete in the Premier League. The Premier League, also called the Premiership, is the division where the twenty best English teams play.

Premiership players can earn millions of pounds every year, not only from their wages but also from sponsorship by companies like Nike and Adidas.

Football has a vocabulary of its own. A game of football is known as a football match . The match kicks off when the referee blows his whistle and the ball is kicked for the first time. The aim of the game is to score more goals than the other team.

The referee makes sure that both teams play by the rules. If the ball goes out of the sides of the pitch , he gives a throw in . If the ball, leaves the ends of the pitch, a corner is given. When a player commits a foul , the referee may give the other team a free kick or even a penalty . In extreme cases the referee may send off a player by giving him a red card .

Spain successfully defended their European Championship crown on Sunday as they saw off Italy 4-0 to pick up a record-breaking third consecutive international title.

David Silva rounded off a brilliantly incisive move to edge them in front and the buccaneering Jordi Alba added a second before half-time.

Fernando Torres, four years on from netting the winner against Germany at Euro 2008, stepped off the bench to grab Spain’s third, before putting their fourth on a plate for Chelsea team-mate and fellow substitute Juan Mata.

It took just 14 minutes for a Spain side that had been accused of being boring heading into the game to break the deadlock.

Andres Iniesta fed a brilliant pass into Cesc Fabregas and, after wriggling away from Giorgio Chiellini, he cut the ball back onto the head of Silva to nod into an unguarded net.

Spain were back to their free-flowing best and doubled their lead four minutes before the interval when Xavi was allowed to drift forward and feed the ball into the path of Alba, who made no mistake as he calmly slotted past Gianluigi Buffon.

Italy were always going to struggle to keep the score down once Thiago Motta was stretchered off and left them with 10 men, and Torres got his hands on the golden boot on 84 minutes when he rolled into the bottom corner.

He then turned provider four minutes later as he squared for Mata to plant the ball into an empty net and put the seal on a productive night’s work.

Man of the match: Andres Iniesta. Spain’s match-winner in the 2010 World Cup final was the architect of their success at Euro 2012. His vision posed Italy problems all night, while his boundless energy kept the Azzurri back-peddling. Seems to have the ball on a string at times, with it almost impossible to steal it off his toe. Only right that he has another winners’ medal to his name.